The rapid development of aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) within recent decades shows great potential for real-world society. The current ABSA works, however, are mostly limited to the scenario of a single text piece, leaving the study in dialogue contexts unexplored. In this work, we introduce a novel task of conversational aspect-based sentiment quadruple analysis, namely DiaASQ, aiming to detect the sentiment quadruple of target-aspect-opinion-sentiment in a dialogue. DiaASQ bridges the gap between fine-grained sentiment analysis and conversational opinion mining. We manually construct a large-scale, high-quality Chinese dataset and also obtain the English version dataset via manual translation. We deliberately propose a neural model to benchmark the task. It advances in effectively performing end-to-end quadruple prediction and manages to incorporate rich dialogue-specific and discourse feature representations for better cross-utterance quadruple extraction. We finally point out several potential future works to facilitate the follow-up research of this new task. The DiaASQ data is open at
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越来越多的自然语言处理研究(NLP)和自然语言理解(NLU)正在研究从大语言模型的嵌入一词中学习或编码的人类知识。这是了解哪些知识语言模型捕获的一步,类似于人类对语言和交流的理解。在这里,我们调查了单词(即价,唤醒,主导地位)的影响以及如何在大型神经网络中预先训练的单词嵌入中编码。我们将人类标记的数据集用作地面真理,并对四种单词嵌入方式进行了各种相关和分类测试。嵌入在静态或上下文化方面有所不同,以及在训练和微调阶段优先考虑特定信息的程度。我们的分析表明,嵌入Vanilla Bert模型的单词并未明显编码英语单词的影响信息。只有在与情绪相关的任务上进行微调或包含来自情感丰富的环境的额外上下文化信息时,只有在bert模型进行微调时,相应的嵌入方式可以编码更相关的影响信息。
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多标签遥感图像分类(MLRSIC)已获得越来越多的研究兴趣。将多个标签的辅助关系作为其他信息有助于提高此任务的性能。当前方法着重于使用它来限制卷积神经网络(CNN)的最终功能输出。一方面,这些方法不会充分利用标签相关来形成特征表示。另一方面,它们增加了系统的标签噪声灵敏度,导致稳健性差。在本文中,提出了一种称为语义交织的全球通道注意(Signa)的新颖方法。首先,根据数据集的统计信息获得标签共发生图。标签共发生图用作图形神经网络(GNN)的输入,以生成最佳特征表示。然后,语义特征和视觉特征交错,以指导图像从原始特征空间到具有嵌入式标签关系的语义特征空间的特征表达。 Signa在新的语义特征空间中触发了特征地图通道的全球关注,以提取更重要的视觉特征。提出了基于多头签名的功能自适应加权网络,以插件的方式对任何CNN作用。对于遥感图像,可以通过将CNN插入浅层层来实现更好的分类性能。我们对三个数据集进行了广泛的实验比较:UCM数据集,AID数据集和DFC15数据集。实验结果表明,与最新方法(SOTA)方法相比,所提出的Signa具有出色的分类性能。值得一提的是,本文的代码将向社区开放,以进行可重复性研究。我们的代码可在上找到。
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机器学习(ML)提供了在具有较大特征空间和复杂关联的数据中通常在数据中检测和建模关联的强大方法。已经开发了许多有用的工具/软件包(例如Scikit-learn),以使数据处理,处理,建模和解释的各种要素可访问。但是,对于大多数研究人员来说,将这些元素组装成严格,可复制,无偏见和有效的数据分析管道并不是微不足道的。自动化机器学习(AUTOML)试图通过简化所有人的ML分析过程来解决这些问题。在这里,我们介绍了一个简单,透明的端到端汽车管道,设计为一个框架,以轻松进行严格的ML建模和分析(最初限于二进制分类)。 Streamline专门设计用于比较数据集,ML算法和其他AutoML工具之间的性能。通过使用精心设计的一系列管道元素,通过提供完全透明且一致的比较基线,它是独特的,包括:(1)探索性分析,(2)基本数据清洁,(3)交叉验证分区,(4)数据缩放和插补,(5)基于滤波器的特征重要性估计,(6)集体特征选择,(7)通过15个已建立算法的“ Optuna”超参数优化的ML建模(包括较不知名的基因编程和基于规则的ML ),(8)跨16个分类指标的评估,(9)模型特征重要性估计,(10)统计显着性比较,以及(11)自动导出所有结果,图,PDF摘要报告以及可以轻松应用于复制数据。
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Twitter机器人检测已成为打击错误信息,促进社交媒体节制并保持在线话语的完整性的越来越重要的任务。最先进的机器人检测方法通常利用Twitter网络的图形结构,在面对传统方法无法检测到的新型Twitter机器人时,它们表现出令人鼓舞的性能。但是,现有的Twitter机器人检测数据集很少是基于图形的,即使这些基于图形的数据集也遭受有限的数据集量表,不完整的图形结构以及低注释质量。实际上,缺乏解决这些问题的大规模基于图的Twitter机器人检测基准,严重阻碍了基于图形的机器人检测方法的开发和评估。在本文中,我们提出了Twibot-22,这是一个综合基于图的Twitter机器人检测基准,它显示了迄今为止最大的数据集,在Twitter网络上提供了多元化的实体和关系,并且与现有数据集相比具有更好的注释质量。此外,我们重新实施35代表性的Twitter机器人检测基线,并在包括Twibot-22在内的9个数据集上进行评估,以促进对模型性能和对研究进度的整体了解的公平比较。为了促进进一步的研究,我们将所有实施的代码和数据集巩固到Twibot-22评估框架中,研究人员可以在其中始终如一地评估新的模型和数据集。 Twibot-22 Twitter机器人检测基准和评估框架可在上公开获得。
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Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) is a novel imaging modality that has been widely utilized in ophthalmology and neuroscience studies to observe retinal vessels and microvascular systems. However, publicly available OCTA datasets remain scarce. In this paper, we introduce the largest and most comprehensive OCTA dataset dubbed OCTA-500, which contains OCTA imaging under two fields of view (FOVs) from 500 subjects. The dataset provides rich images and annotations including two modalities (OCT/OCTA volumes), six types of projections, four types of text labels (age / gender / eye / disease) and seven types of segmentation labels (large vessel/capillary/artery/vein/2D FAZ/3D FAZ/retinal layers). Then, we propose a multi-object segmentation task called CAVF, which integrates capillary segmentation, artery segmentation, vein segmentation, and FAZ segmentation under a unified framework. In addition, we optimize the 3D-to-2D image projection network (IPN) to IPN-V2 to serve as one of the segmentation baselines. Experimental results demonstrate that IPN-V2 achieves an ~10% mIoU improvement over IPN on CAVF task. Finally, we further study the impact of several dataset characteristics: the training set size, the model input (OCT/OCTA, 3D volume/2D projection), the baseline networks, and the diseases. The dataset and code are publicly available at:
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This paper provides a pair similarity optimization viewpoint on deep feature learning, aiming to maximize the within-class similarity s p and minimize the between-class similarity s n . We find a majority of loss functions, including the triplet loss and the softmax cross-entropy loss, embed s n and s p into similarity pairs and seek to reduce (s n − s p ). Such an optimization manner is inflexible, because the penalty strength on every single similarity score is restricted to be equal. Our intuition is that if a similarity score deviates far from the optimum, it should be emphasized. To this end, we simply re-weight each similarity to highlight the less-optimized similarity scores. It results in a Circle loss, which is named due to its circular decision boundary. The Circle loss has a unified formula for two elemental deep feature learning paradigms, i.e., learning with class-level labels and pair-wise labels. Analytically, we show that the Circle loss offers a more flexible optimization approach towards a more definite convergence target, compared with the loss functions optimizing (s n − s p ). Experimentally, we demonstrate the superiority of the Circle loss on a variety of deep feature learning tasks. On face recognition, person re-identification, as well as several finegrained image retrieval datasets, the achieved performance is on par with the state of the art.
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In the process of projecting the surface of a three-dimensional object onto a two-dimensional surface, due to the perspective distortion, the image on the surface of the object will have different degrees of distortion according to the level of the surface curvature. This paper presents an imprecise method for flattening this type of distortion on the surface of a regularly curved body. The main idea of this method is to roughly estimate the gridded surface subdivision that can be used to describe the surface of the three-dimensional object through the contour curve of the two-dimensional image of the object. Then, take each grid block with different sizes and shapes inversely transformed into a rectangle with exactly the same shape and size. Finally, each of the same rectangles is splicing and recombining in turn to obtain a roughly flat rectangle. This paper will introduce and show the specific process and results of using this method to solve the problem of bending page flattening, then demonstrate the feasibility and limitations of this method.
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Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a complication of diabetes, and one of the major causes of vision impairment in the global population. As the early-stage manifestation of DR is usually very mild and hard to detect, an accurate diagnosis via eye-screening is clinically important to prevent vision loss at later stages. In this work, we propose an ensemble method to automatically grade DR using ultra-wide optical coherence tomography angiography (UW-OCTA) images available from Diabetic Retinopathy Analysis Challenge (DRAC) 2022. First, we adopt the state-of-the-art classification networks, i.e., ResNet, DenseNet, EfficientNet, and VGG, and train them to grade UW-OCTA images with different splits of the available dataset. Ultimately, we obtain 25 models, of which, the top 16 models are selected and ensembled to generate the final predictions. During the training process, we also investigate the multi-task learning strategy, and add an auxiliary classification task, the Image Quality Assessment, to improve the model performance. Our final ensemble model achieved a quadratic weighted kappa (QWK) of 0.9346 and an Area Under Curve (AUC) of 0.9766 on the internal testing dataset, and the QWK of 0.839 and the AUC of 0.8978 on the DRAC challenge testing dataset.
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The orthogonality constraints, including the hard and soft ones, have been used to normalize the weight matrices of Deep Neural Network (DNN) models, especially the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Vision Transformer (ViT), to reduce model parameter redundancy and improve training stability. However, the robustness to noisy data of these models with constraints is not always satisfactory. In this work, we propose a novel two-stage approximately orthogonal training framework (TAOTF) to find a trade-off between the orthogonal solution space and the main task solution space to solve this problem in noisy data scenarios. In the first stage, we propose a novel algorithm called polar decomposition-based orthogonal initialization (PDOI) to find a good initialization for the orthogonal optimization. In the second stage, unlike other existing methods, we apply soft orthogonal constraints for all layers of DNN model. We evaluate the proposed model-agnostic framework both on the natural image and medical image datasets, which show that our method achieves stable and superior performances to existing methods.
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